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How To Use 'Mouse' In Android Phone Without Inserting 'Mouse' Via OTG

By reading the above title.. many of you got shocked. Isnt it? yup, why not the title seems like a different & unique named. If you have got the main point or goal of this article then we can proceed towards it to know the trick.

So, in this article we are going the exclusive and the hottest trick in which - if anyone want to use mouse in their smartphone & suppose at that time u dont have ur mouse and the OTG Cable. then, how you will use mouse feature in your smartphone?. I think 80% of the people will reject the idea. because they dont know the trick of using a mouse in phone without having hardware mouse. So, actually whats magic is behind this trick? well, there is no magic , the thing you have to do is to use your brain.

Because, here in this trick we will use a browser which can give us the mouse feature as a software. I know many of u didnt getting so, to know it better let's move towards the steps..

Use Mouse In A Browser Without Any Help Of Computer Mouse:

So, here the first thing everyone have to do is to install an android app named as - 'puffin browser'.

1) Install it from playstore by simply typing - 'puffin browser'

2) After installation, simple open any website. For example, open ''

3) After it, at bottom left corner, you will see an icon of 'mouse' [may be the icon not appear as exact mouse]

4) after clicking on it, a virtual mouse will appear on the screen

5) Hurray!! u have succesfully installed a virtual mouse in ur browser without having any computer mouse..

So, my dear users that was the trick to use a mouse without having a pc hardware based mouse.. I hope u liked this trick very much
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